Everything Ink

Everything Ink

Adult Course | Available

200 Grant Street Denver, CO 80203 United States
5:30 PM-9:00 PM MDT on Wed

Everything Ink

Adult Course | Available

*The 4th class will be held on Thursday 11/14 instead of Wednesday.

Explore the diversity of ink-based media as you learn the techniques and applications of ink within artwork. This class puts emphasis on learning shading techniques using ink by introducing one new ink material each class with step-by-step instruction followed by individual practice working from still lives. The last day of class is dedicated to your newfound skills in Ink with the class period allowing for art making in your new favorite(s) of the ink medias. Ink is a flexible media that is beautiful in any style, place, or time and you will learn its basics so you may add this all-round media to your personal “artistic tool belt”. Your student fee covers alcohol makers (take home), ball point pens (take home), a calligraphy pen (take home), ink and the special papers that will all be provided. Students are expected to bring a personal sketchbook.

  • 10/23 Day 1: Basics of drawing with Ink - The power of the ball point pen (Technique/History/ Style choices/Usage) - Sharpie (Technique/History/ Style choices/Usage) - Still Life/Work time with Materials

    10/30 Day 2: Basics of drawing with Ink Continued

    Alcohol Marker (Technique/History/ Style choices/Usage) - White Ink Pens (Technique/History/ Style choices/Usage, Includes Working on Toned Paper) -Still Life/Work time with Materials

    11/6 Day 3: Basics of Liquid Ink
    Use Pen technique for quick, clean, observational sketches - Dip Pen and Ink (Black/Sepia, Drawing Skills) - Dip Pen and Ink (Black/Sepia, Calligraphy) - Work time with Materials

    *Held Thursday 11/14 Day 4: Basics of Liquid Ink Continued: Painting with Ink - Technique/History/ Style choices/Usage - Mixing Media (Watercolor)
    Still life/Work time With Materials

    11/20 Day 5: Work Day - Students may work with whatever materials they wish on new/or old artworks. - Students are encouraged to mix the media's and to work in their personal style of art
  • Suggested is a personal sketchbook, pens, and alcohol markers but is not required.
Rachael Batka