New! Color Blending With Hand Embroidery

Adult Course | Available

200 Grant St Denver, CO 80203 United States
202 Atelier
Intermediate, Advanced, Professional
11/17/2024 (one day)
9:30 AM-4:00 PM MDT on Sun

New! Color Blending With Hand Embroidery

Adult Course | Available

In this hands-on workshop, you'll discover the fundamentals of color theory and how it applies to embroidery. Explore the interplay of shades, tints, and tones, and learn how to harmonize them to evoke emotion and depth in your work. Participants will learn how to combine different thread colors to create seamless transitions and gradients, adding depth and dimension to their embroidery projects.


Introduction to Color Blending
Overview of color theory and its application in embroidery
Introduction to different types of color blending techniques (slides)

Demonstration: Basics of Blending
Instructor-led demonstration on basic blending techniques such as layering, long and short stitch blending, and split stitch blending Tips for selecting and combining thread colors

Hands-on Practice: Basic Blending Techniques
Participants will practice basic blending techniques on fabric samples provided by the instructor
One-on-one guidance and feedback from the instructor

Demonstration: Advanced Blending Techniques
Instructor-led demonstration on advanced blending techniques such as needle painting, thread painting, and satin stitch blending
Tips for achieving smooth transitions and realistic effects

Hands-on Practice: Advanced Blending Techniques
Participants will apply advanced blending techniques to their own embroidery projects or provided patterns
Individualized guidance and troubleshooting from the instructor

Wrap-Up and Discussion
Review of key concepts and techniques covered during the workshop Q&A session
Sharing of participants’ work and feedback from the instructor and peers

  • Please bring:
    • 8-10 hanks of cotton DMC embroidery thread (easily purchased at any craft store (Michael's, JoAnn's, etc.)
    • One pack of embroidery sewing needles
    • 1/2 yard cotton muslin
    • scissors
    • fabric washable marker
    • 8" embroidery hoop

Sarah LaBarre