Keep Dancing: Modern for 40+

Keep Dancing: Modern for 40+

Adults | Available

7:00 PM-8:30 PM PDT on Wed
$345.00 USD

Keep Dancing: Modern for 40+

Adults | Available

Fun and Fitness for your fourth decade & beyond! Includes BrainDance, floor & center work, technique, movement combinations, folk dances, improvisation, and choreography. Adults under 40 are welcome!

  • Clothing: Dance or exercise clothes, bare feet, athletic or dance sneakers are fine if you have an injury.

    This class runs on a 13-week schedule in Fall of 2024.
Green Gilbert, Anne
Anne Green Gilbert

Anne Green Gilbert (she/her), MAT, is Founding Director of the Creative Dance Center (CDC), Kaleidoscope Dance Company, and Summer Dance Institute for Teachers in Seattle. Anne is a master teacher, choreographer, and author. She presented hundreds of workshops for children and adults across the USA and abroad, conducted professional development courses through Lesley University, University of Washington and Seattle Pacific University, and taught classes for all ages at CDC for over thirty years. She is the author of 5 dance textbooks, 2 instructional DVDs, and numerous published articles. Anne was first Chair of dance and the Child USA and Dance Educators Association of Washington. Her awards include the 2005 National Dance Association Scholar/Artist Award, 2011 National Dance Education Organization Lifetime Achievement Award, Lawrence Tenney Stevens American Dance Award in 2014 for her work with boys and men in dance, and American Dance Festival Balasaraswati/Joy Ann Dewey Beinecke Endowed Chair for Distinguished Teaching in 2016.