Atelier Workshop with Anna Kaye: Experimental Watercolor and The Natural World

Atelier Workshop with Anna Kaye: Experimental Watercolor and The Natural World

Atelier Workshop | This program is completed

200 Grant Street Denver, CO 80203 United States
9:00 AM-4:00 PM MDT on Sun Sat

Atelier Workshop with Anna Kaye: Experimental Watercolor and The Natural World

Atelier Workshop | This program is completed

This course provides artists of all levels with the opportunity to explore natural subjects through traditional and experimental watercolor painting techniques. Nurturing participants’ unique styles, the instructor will provide individual attention, demonstrations, and a variety of approaches. Additional topics, such as color mixing, mixed media, personal narratives, and symbolism will be explored.

  • Set of watercolor brushes (sable or synthetic - if you have your own preferred sizes, bring those instead): 2 round, small (#4 or 6) and large (#10 or 12) and 2 flat, small (#4 or 6) and large (#12 or 14); optional: 1 fan
  • Watercolor paint (recommended brands Winsor & Newton, Van Gogh, Holbein, or Schmincke): red (cadmium red or vermilion), yellow (cadmium yellow or yellow deep), green (viridian), blue (ultramarine or cobalt), brown (burnt Sienna or burnt umber), pink (alizarin crimson)
  • Two 300 lb, 22 x 30” watercolor paper (hot or cold press, pick your preference; recommended brands: Fabriano Artistico, Lanaquarelle, or Arches)
  • Sketchpad
  • Pencils: a variety, such as 2B, 4 or 6B, 9B
  • Permanent pens and/or inks
  • Watercolor palette or wax paper palette
  • Pencil sharpener and erasers
  • A selection of photographs and still life objects featuring natural subject matter that inspires you.
  • *You are welcome to bring your own preferred brands and sizes. You can also bring more supplies, such as additional colors, brushes, and materials to experiment with (charcoal, pastel, etc.)
Anna Kaye

Anna Kaye was born in Detroit, Michigan and now lives in Denver where she works in her studio creating drawings and paintings that are inspired by the natural world. She earned her B.S. in geology and fine art at Skidmore College, NY. She continued her education at Yale in painting, drawing, printmaking and photography. She earned her M.F.A. at Washington University in St. Louis where she was awarded the Laura and William Jens Scholarship and a teaching on record position. Anna Kaye’s artwork is a part of international, private, public, corporate, and museum collections including Home & Garden Television’s Green Home. Interviews and reviews include Colorado Matters, Colorado Life Magazine, Westword, and the Denver Post. Kaye donates a percentage of all sales annually to environmental funds. She is a former Visiting Assistant Professor and Co-Coordinator of Drawing at Metropolitan State University. Anna Kaye currently teaches at the Denver Art Museum and is represented by the Sandra Phillips Gallery in Denver.