ONLINE: Ages 11-13 | Pen & Ink Drawing

KA Summer Camp | This program is completed

200 Grant Street Denver, CO 80203 United States
9:00 AM-11:00 AM MST on Mon Tue Wed Th Fri

ONLINE: Ages 11-13 | Pen & Ink Drawing

KA Summer Camp | This program is completed

Dig into the basics of using pen and ink washes with colored pencils or watercolor in a drawing.

For registration helpful tips, FAQs, Summer 2020 KidART Camp and Teen Studio Parent Handbook and Scholarship information, please visit our Youth Programs page.

  • This class takes place via Zoom. Link will be provided one hour prior to class starting.
Elayne Moseley

Elayne Moseley graduated from Texas Christian University with a B.F.A. in Secondary Art Education and taught art full time for 5 years in the public schools in inner city Houston. She is now a professional artist who has exhibited in several galleries in the Denver area as well as in San Francisco and in juried shows in New York City and Chicago. She was an exhibitor at the 2006 Cherry Creek Art Festival. Two of her drawings have been published in a North Light book titled "Strokes of Genius 5: Design & Composition" and a third drawing is published in the "Strokes of Genius 7: Depth, Dimension, & Space".