Ages 14-17 | Viva Femme! Feminist Art

KA Summer Camp | This program is completed

200 Grant Street Denver, CO 80203 United States




1:00 PM-4:00 PM MDT on Mon Tue Wed Th Fri



“I am a Feminist, what’s your Superpower?” This class is an invitation to create a very personal art project informed by feminism. Inspired by the art work of some great feminist artists, we are going to use different art languages like painting, dance, poetry, photography, music, scenography, installation, performance art and video to let the work know that “the future is female”.

  • Individual supply kits will be provided for each student, included in the materials fee.

I am a visual and performance artist from Caracas, Venezuela, living in California. I use my body, photography, video and poetry to tell stories. My work is about my healing journey and my connection with my surroundings. I am interested in using performances and poetic actions that use movement, elements of the plastic arts and technological resources as means of expression. My work is influenced by dance, yoga and my meditations. I am interested in community, people and the social fabric of the city, and incorporating these elements in my artistic work. I use the streets as my stage and allow the participation of the spectators in my work.