New! Alla Prima Portrait Painting (Achieving a Likeness) - Session C

New! Alla Prima Portrait Painting (Achieving a Likeness) - Session C

Adult Course | This program is completed

200 Grant St Denver, CO 80203 United States

202 Atelier

Intermediate, Advanced


1:00 PM-4:00 PM MDT on Sat



Want to drastically and rapidly improve your portrait painting skills? I can guarantee that you will make immense progress during this course. For 6 weeks of the semester, this class is about painting "alla prima," meaning the paintings will be done in one session, with each subsequent week being a new painting with a new model and new pose. This is the best way to improve your portrait painting skills, as it helps you develop the most important stage of a painting, the block in. That being said, there's no set duration for this course. If you enjoy the class, you can continue to enroll month to month throughout the semester. You will be introduced to all the concepts of alla prima and the process we'll be learning on day 1 - each class will be an opportunity to learn how to put those pieces together better and more efficiently each week. I LOVE TEACHING PORTRAIT PAINTING! - I have developed a step by step procedure that is efficient and can be applied to all styles of portrait painting.

  • Day 1: FOCUS- Envelopes/ 2 Value Block in
    Day 2: FOCUS- Organized Underdrawing/ Blocking in with full color
    Day 3: FOCUS- Sculpting the form/ SECRET Shortcuts :)
    -Vine or willow charcoal
    -2h or hb Pencil
    Oil Colors:
    - Burnt Sienna or Transparent Red Oxide
    - Cadmium Red
    - Indian Yellow
    - Cadmium Lemon
    -Raw Umber
    -Van Dyke Brown
    - Ivory Black
    - Titanium White

    BRUSHES: It’s recommended to have 2 of each of the following brushes. Blick Masterstroke, and Silver Grand Prix, are recommended brands.
    - #6,#4,#3 #2 Filberts or rounds
    -Fan Brush HIGHLY Recommended, I prefer The Master’s Choice 105 from Rosemary and Co

    SURFACES: 9x12, 12x16 Canvas/ Linen Wrapped Panel /or Gessoed Panel. I Prefer Centurion DLX Oil Primed Linen Panels from Jerry's Artarama or Homemade panels coated with Golden Sandable Gesso. Search TANNER STEED PANELS ON YOUTUBE to see the procedure for homemade panels.

    SOLVENT: Odorless Mineral spirits in a jar with a sealable lid.

    RAGS: Roll of paper towels. I recommend Blue Shop Towels from home depot or VIVA brand.

    PALETTE: Sealed wooden palette preferred. Glass is fine - I recommend taping or painting gray on the underside of it. ---- No Palette paper, please.----

    MEDIUM: Optional: Liquin Impasto or Oleogel by Rublev/ Natural Pigments

    MISC: Teardrop shaped Palette knife, baseball cap can be helpful to reduce glare.

    Reading Material:

    - Drawing Course, Charles Bargue and Jean-Léon Géróme
    - Constructive Anatomy, George Bridgman
    - The Art Spirit, Robert Henri
    - The Artist’s Complete Guide to Figure Drawing, Anthony Ryder
    - Alla Prima 2- Richard Schmid
Steed, Tanner

“My paintings are the result of deep observation and contemplation of light. Through my sensory experience, I create a personal interpretation of the scene using the abstraction of brushstrokes. No matter how rendered, it will always be abstraction that formulates my work. Even though the subject matter is more than easily recognized, my paintings are about the quality of the paint itself. I hope to catch the viewers attention with a subject, only to inspire them to look closer at the innate beauty of oil on linen.”