Contemporary Painting for Intermediate and Advanced Artists

Contemporary Painting for Intermediate and Advanced Artists

Adult Course | Registration closed 4/6/2024

200 Grant Street Denver, CO 80203 United States




12:30 PM-4:00 PM MDT on Sat



Cultivate a critical eye as you seek deeper meaning in your work and learn to understand the diverse and challenging issues in contemporary painting. Through critiques and discussions, you will be challenged to find your own voice in painting.

  • I expect each student to have clear ideas of what he or she wants to pant. No assignments are given in the classes.

    Students should have basic knowledge of painting materials. Previous experience in abstraction is not required
  • Students should bring whatever supplies they normally work with.

Ikeda, born in a small subtropical island of Yoron, Japan moved to the States in 1978. He earned B.F.A. and M.F.A. from the University of Colorado at Boulder. His works are exhibited nationally and internationally and can be seen locally at William Havu Gallery. He received many Artist Residency such as Skowhegan, the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, PlatteForum, RedLine and Create Denver presented the Residency Project & Exhibition at McNichols CivicCenter Building.