New! OFFSITE Abstraction as Discovery

New! OFFSITE Abstraction as Discovery

Adult Course | This program is completed

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New! OFFSITE Abstraction as Discovery

Adult Course | This program is completed

How do we move from objective skill-based painting to an Expansive, Creative & Playful Engagement? How do we court and dance with Spontaneity, Risk & Courage in the studio?

This course is geared both for Beginners and Advanced students. Students are exposed to working directly with the formal elements of a painting, such as line, shape, form, color, edge, texture, paint handling, and composition in an open-ended and experimental way, becoming familiar with the language of Abstraction. The painting necessarily goes through many transformations during the course, and students become directly familiar with painting as a flexible and ceaselessly changeable medium.

*NO Class will be held on Wednesday January 31.

** This course will be taught OFFSITE at Jordan Wolfson's Studio (4919 N Broadway, Unit 16, Boulder, CO 80304)

2-minute intro previously made for the online version of the course:

YouTube channel:

Short new video of Jordan painting flowers:

Instagram account:

  • • Week One: Introduction to the Painting Journey. Reviewing Patrick Ahearne’s text. Jumping in and beginning.
    • Week Two: Exploring Paint Handling and Making a Mess. Now what? Looking at Mondrian and Joan Mitchell: Figure and Ground and the Activation of Space.
    • Week Three: Composition as a Creative Discipline. Understanding Composition through the lens of Cezanne, Analytic Cubism and de Kooning.
    • Week Four: Bringing our Lived Experience to Bear even Amidst the Morphing. Exploring Aspects of Mass, Weight, Space, Light, Movement. Looking at Late Monet, Philip Guston and Arshile Gorky.
    • Week Five: After the Catharsis. What does Fine Tuning look like? What does it mean to nurture the image? Looking at Matisse and Diebenkorn.
    • Week Six: The Possibilities of Narrative and Systemic Thinking. Looking at Joan Snyder, Terry Winters and Brice Marden.
    • Week Seven: Now what? Free floating as a Way of Being.
    • Week Eight: The Ineffable Power of Painting. How to Navigate by the Heart. Reading the words and looking at the work of Milton Resnick.

    *NO Class will be held on Wednesday January 31.

    ** This course will be taught OFFSITE at Jordan Wolfson's Studio (4919 N Broadway, Unit 16, Boulder, CO 80304)
Wolfson, Jordan
Jordan Wolfson

Jordan Wolfson (b. 1960) was raised in Los Angeles and graduated with an MFA from Yale School of Art in 1991.  Exhibiting both nationally and internationally, Wolfson’s work is represented in permanent collections worldwide, including the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, the James T. Dyke Collection and the Ballinglen Museum of Contemporary Art in Ireland. Jordan has received numerous awards including the Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant, the Ingram Merrill Foundation Grant and a Purchase Award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters; he was a fellow at the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, MA, and the Ballinglen Art Foundation in Ireland.  Jordan currently lives in Longmont, co-parenting his two daughters, and maintains a studio in North Boulder.