The Power of Being Present: Mindfulness Practices for Artists & Creatives

The Power of Being Present: Mindfulness Practices for Artists & Creatives

Adult Course | Registration opens 6/4/2024 7:00 AM MDT

200 Grant Street Denver, CO 80203 United States




5:30 PM-9:00 PM MDT on Mon




It is in a state of calm, observation, and with our focus on a single activity that we are most likely to have moments of fulfillment. These moments have incredible benefits for creativity. With an invitation to have a 'beginners mind,' this course is designed to access our creative potentials. Breath, sound, movement, observation, listening, stillness, and sensation will be used to provide a portal to our own body’s intelligence. This course is not about art techniques, it is about your direct experience with the creative process rather than any knowledge you might have about it. Simple but introspective art practices that allow yourself the time to make your own discoveries and form a more personal connection with it.

  • Drawing and painting exercises, creative warmups, visualizations, body movement to bring awareness to our sensations. Breathing techniques and mindfulness actions.
  • - A piece of cloth to cover the eyes (sleeping masks, bandanas, etc.)
  • - Drawing and watercolor paper
  • - Sketching paper
  • - Markers, assorted colors any size
  • - Paintings. assorted colors, acrylic or tempera
  • - Water colors
  • - Crayons
  • - Comfortable clothing
  • - Space to move
  • - A pillow
  • - Fruits
  • - Glass of water

I am a visual and performance artist from Caracas, Venezuela, living in California. I use my body, photography, video and poetry to tell stories. My work is about my healing journey and my connection with my surroundings. I am interested in using performances and poetic actions that use movement, elements of the plastic arts and technological resources as means of expression. My work is influenced by dance, yoga and my meditations. I am interested in community, people and the social fabric of the city, and incorporating these elements in my artistic work. I use the streets as my stage and allow the participation of the spectators in my work.