Ages 14-17 | Teen Studio Night: Portfolio Preparation

Children Course | Available

200 Grant Street Denver, CO 80203 United States

202 Atelier



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This class will offer portfolio preparation and presentation tips for art school applications. Aiming to draw out an individualized roadmap of projects to create a range of pieces, students can cater their portfolio to the expectations that each school has. Focusing largely excavating larger concepts and building personal voice we will also discuss strategies and techniques for creating work that also showcases technical abilities. With the expectation that students will work on their projects at home, one on one feedback on progress will given during each class.

*Students should have a foundational understanding of art, hopefully several prior art classes, and a list of art schools that they are considering applying to.

The instructor Karl Poulson Orion provides daily demos and discussions about a variety of artistic practices and offers individualized feedback to everyone. Best of all, dinner is included!

*NOTE: No class held on July 26.

  • The first couple weeks will focus on collecting existing pieces that students are proud of. We will discuss strengths and areas where students should consider expanding. We will also look up the expectations various schools have for portfolios that students are applying to - ex. more original character designs for RISD’s illustration program.

    Early on and throughout we will carefully look at examples of successful portfolios to help set up expectations for the overall caliber expected of the schools students will be applying to.

    Later into the session we will collectively talk about how personal viewpoints are expected to be reflected in students’ body of work and how to improve their artistic voice. Many public art school classes focus more on technical aspects and generally not as much on the concepts behind the work. Looking at how current professional artist have accomplished this will help guide group conversations.

    Over the course of most classes a portion of the day will be spent on individualized feedback as well as the opportunity to have support from other students.

    Towards the end of the semester we will be polishing each student’s portfolio and catering the organization and arrangement of the pieces to each school’s curriculum and expectations.
  • Either physical or digital versions of their current versions of their portfolios or strongest pieces.

    A notepad and sketchbook to keep track of our ideas.

Raised in Denver, Colorado, Karl began taking painting lessons from the Arts Students League of Denver at the age of nine. He later attended Denver School of the Arts, an arts magnet program from the start of middle school through to his senior year of high school. Upon graduation, he moved to Chicago where he attended the School of the Art Institute of Chicago earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts. It was during this time that he discovered his love for creating music and exploring the overlap between sound and visual media.