Vegetable Print Bouquets with The Museum of Food & Culture

Vegetable Print Bouquets with The Museum of Food & Culture

Adult Course | This program has been canceled

200 Grant Street Denver, CO 80203 United States
7/18/2024 (one day)
5:30 PM-8:30 PM MDT on Th

Vegetable Print Bouquets with The Museum of Food & Culture

Adult Course | This program has been canceled

We will briefly explore some of the sacred and architectural geometry of various cultures in this hands-on art workshop connecting food and culture.  We will then look at the geometry and shapes that vegetables have within them and use basic block printing techniques to bring these geometric shapes to paper.  Each participant will leave with a final vegetable block print art piece of art of their creative choosing.  Instructions twill be offered o make both a vegetable mandala and a vegetable bouquet on sturdy canvas paper. 

  • All materials provided.
Karen Kenney

KarenMaria is a classically trained French Tapestry Weaver and experienced weaver in the Navajo traditions (Pearl Sunrise, teacher).  She sidelined her weaving career when the Columbine shootings spurred her into the desire to help youth and she earned her art teaching credentials to serve for 24 years in Colorado.


KarenMaria creates art that invites viewers to slow down, be in their sense of present moment visual experience to discover details and stories in the symbolism and craftsmanship of her work.  She works in fiber, watercolor and collage and has shown her art is various fine art galleries in Colorado. Her IG is Lolygaggn.