Bold Floral Weekend Workshop - March
Adult Course | Available
Painting flowers requires a balance of spontaneity and accuracy. Learn a wet-on-wet process of painting with oils that adds energy and a sense of confidence to all your paintings. Learn about choosing an inspiring subject, creating a compelling composition, values, color temperature, and simplification. Learn how a bold start to your work can keep it loose and also learn when to stop. Class will include a demo. Kate will provide frequent one-on-one instruction. Come and feel yourself bloom!
- Some experience working in oil required.
Learning Objectives:
Gaining confidence in composition and use of color and strength in values
- Students supply their own paint supplies and canvas. Stretched canvas no smaller than 18" x 18", oil paint, box pallet with a lid, odorless turpentine, various brushes including fan brushes, rags and paper towels.
Kate Kennedy
I’m a Colorado native, and love the beauty of this state. I feel I’ve been drawing, painting, and creating, all my life.
I studied Fine Art and Graphic Design at CSU, Fort Collins. Also studied abstract watercolor at Red Rocks college.
I feel that my strong design sense in my approach to my painting, comes from over 25 years as a graphic designer.
I truly believe that we are all creative souls, and that its so important to express that creativity in a non judgemental way;
thus enjoying the process and growing from it. Don’t ignore your inner beauty. BLOOM!
One of my favorite quotes:
“I decided that if I could paint that flower in a huge scale, you could not ignore its beauty."-Georgia O’Keefe