1-day How Not to Create Mud, Painting with Color - MAR
Adult Course | Available
If you hear a voice within you saying “you are not a painter” then by all means paint...and that voice will be silenced. “ Vincent Van Gogh
Let’s Play “It is so fun to use a lot of color.”
This class is geared for all levels with a goal towards developing your own style of painting.
We all have an untaped reservoir of creativity within us.
Students will work on two 8 x 10 canvases developing one in gray tones and one in a color of your choice . Reworking each canvas continually while experiment with all the elements of art. Exploring the visual components of color, form, line, shape, space, texture, and value.
(2) 18 x 24 minimum or larger canvas panels
palette box, paint storage etc.
Oil or Acrylic paints *Colors can include the following:
Ultramarine blue
Perm. alizarine crimson
Sap green
Phaloe green
Cadmium yellow Hue
Cadmium red light other colors you like
Palate knives
Paper towels
Spray Water bottle
Brush washer etc.
Vine Charcoal
Charcoal pencils