Color woodcut printmaking with the multi-block process has many advantages. It can be tightly controlled, but offers a range of possibilities. The artist creates a "key" block, prints with a dark color, and experiments with lighter colors to complete the image. The colors can range from bright, glowing, transparent, to subtle and gradual. A fun class with lots of creativity and color exploration. Bring a sketch to work from.
Course Objectives:
By completing this course, the student will be able to demonstrate proficiency with color woodcut printmaking by:
Transferring a drawing to a woodblock;
Safely cutting and carving a “key” block of the main image;
Printing a proof of the “key” image, to transfer to a secondary block;
Cutting and carving color block(s), using the key image on the block as a guide;
Mixing and preparing color ink, applying color ink and printing color shapes, using a registration guide;
Printing key image onto the printed color background;
Placing finished prints on the drying rack, and using slip sheets to take them home.
Week 1: Introductions of instructor and participants. Introduction to color woodcuts, books of woodcuts, brief video of the process. Demonstration by the instructor. Transfer of sketch to woodblock. Begin carving.
Week 2: Continue carving key block. Print proofs of key image.
Week 3: Finish carving key block. Print key image. Experiment with color, using watercolor paints. Decide on color combination for the print. Carve secondary block(s). Print background color(s)
Week 4: Print final image
Drawing experience is helpful.