Ages 14-17 | Fun With Foam Session A
KA Summer Camp | Available (Membership Required)
"Fun With Foam" is a course that draws its inspiration from contemporary street art. It investigates the line quality, color and creative ideas that make up todays most expressive street art. This class builds on these urban fundamentals to unleash the students full creative foam potential. Students learn how to turn raw creative ideas into expressive contemporary pieces of art.. Students will learn techniques to quickly build foam forms to carve them into finished pieces of art. This class utilizes 2d and 3d artistic theory to fully realize the artists vision. Bright colors and bold ideas are encouraged.
- All supplies are included in the materials fee and will be provided at ASLD.
Patrick Stephenson
Patrick Stephenson started his figure sculpture journey in 1997 when he enrolled in this first figure sculpture class at the Arts Students League of Denver. This class ignited a passion for the arts, he began to pour through anatomy and sculpture books absorbing as much as possible to improve his craft, including enrolling in a medical dissection course at the University of Colorado in Denver. Early on Patrick sought out the instruction of professional artists such as Blair Buswell, Don Gale, and Bill Starke to learn clay working techniques and soon began creating figure sculptures of his own. Patrick was the youngest exhibitor at the Sculpture in the Park exhibition in Loveland, CO in 1998.
After graduating high school from the Denver School for the Arts he began to work on his first monumental bronze work “IL Compositore”. This work was inspired by the old masterworks of Michelangelo and Bernini and features a meticulously detailed composer at his piano. This work took four years to complete due to its complexity and size.
Upon completing this piece, Patrick attended the Lyme Academy College in of Fine Arts where he earned his bachelor's degree in figure sculpture. At LACFA he diligently studied, drawing, sculpture, and painting as well as frequented the esteemed museums in New York City where he would draw for hours from the famous works of art. For two summers Patrick lived in NYC working for the Company Spaeth Design in Manhattan learning sculpture techniques in foam carving and production. During his time at LAFCA Patrick also interned for artist Gilbert Boro wo