Ages 14-17 | Building Clay 2 Ways

Ages 14-17 | Building Clay 2 Ways

KA Summer Camp | Available (Membership Required)

200 Grant Street Denver, CO 80203 United States
8:30 AM-12:00 PM MST on Mon Tue Wed Th Fri

Ages 14-17 | Building Clay 2 Ways

KA Summer Camp | Available (Membership Required)

Students will explore the concept of identity as it relates to themselves and their part in their environment and come up with a design. This design shall be applied to a functional personal item (cup, bowl or both) or built sculpture. To build this vessel, students will learn coil, slab and pinch methods and one or all methods in combination. This vessel shall then be built in the second week using airdry clay with a cold finish using acrylic paints.

Day 1
• Draw out sketch of Item you would like to build Using either slab, pinch, coil or all
Day 2-5
• Use The time to build the piece you have chosen to make. By the end of Friday’s class all
items should be complete and on the shelf for bisque firing.

Day 6
• This is the beginning of week 2.
• You shall rebuild the Item you made in week 1 and this time with air dry clay.
• This will not be fired.
• You shall finish this piece with acrylic paint

Day 7-8
• Continue building with air dry clay
• By end of Day 8 this should be finished to stand and dry . once dry acrylic can be painted on.

Day 9-10
• Complete the cold finish project.

*** Also in week 2 your bisqued Project should be out and ready for glazing.
We shall also be glazing these pieces in week 2. ***

  • This is a two week clay camp.
  • All supplies are included in the materials fee and will be provided at ASLD.
Mungai, Sheila
Sheila Mungai

Sheila Mungai is a Kenyan-Born Colorado based artist. She attended Kenyatta University for two years in 1994 -1995. The university was temporarily shut down, during which period she immigrated to the United States.


In 2015 she resumed her pursuit for her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Ceramics at Metro State University of Denver in Colorado, graduating in spring of 2019.


Her multicultural experience gained through her Kenyan childhood and early adulthood experience, and living in America has provided a wealth of content to explore social issues and interactions, expressed in clay and other mediums. The social issues tackled mainly revolve around identity.