Color Confidence 1: How Not to be a Color Victim

Color Confidence 1: How Not to be a Color Victim

Adult Course | Available

200 Grant Street Denver, CO 80203 United States
1:30 PM-4:30 PM MST on Tue

Color Confidence 1: How Not to be a Color Victim

Adult Course | Available

Say “hello” to new colors and “goodbye” to unwanted ones. Learn to mix the exact color you want! Experience delight and joy as you become successful and efficient with color mixing while discovering new colors so you can more easily express your ideas in your paintings.

  • Materials List for Jane Jones’ Color Confidence 1: How not to be a color victim


    The first class meeting will be mostly lecture and discussion and we will go over the materials list.  Bring in your supplies and we will go over them to figure out if you need anything.  


    Paper to take notes and a pen.


    Paints:  Unless noted as “optional” this palette of colors is specific and necessary for success in this class.

    Titanium White - No lead based paint. (optional for watercolor)

    A cool yellow – oils: Cadmium Lemon

    acrylic:  in Liquitex, Cadmium Yellow Light

    A warm yellow - Cadmium Yellow Deep (called Dark in some acrylic brands)

    (Hansa Yellows are not great substitutes because they are not as opaque as the Cadmium colors.)

    An orange – (optional) Cadmium Orange

    A warm red - Cadmium Red Light, Scarlet Lake

    A cool red - Quinacridone Magenta (Alizarin Crimson isn’t cool enough)

    (Some acrylic brands have white added to this, which you DO NOT want, so look on the back of the tube for the list of pigments and if white has been added, look for this in another brand such as Golden.)  

    A cool blue - Ultramarine Blue or French Ultramarine Blue (not the green shade), (the Thalo blues are not cool enough)

    A warm blue - Phthalo Turquoise, Cobalt Turquoise, or Cobalt Teal

    Black – Ivory Black, Mars Black, or Lamp Black


    Bring other favorite colors if you want to.


    White paper palette for oils and acrylics, or a clean white mixing surface for watercolor.  


    Acrylic paints stay wet MUCH longer if you use a Sta-Wet palette that is made for this media.  It has a red lid and comes with a sponge and special paper that should be thoroughly moistened before you use it.  


    Palette knife for oils and acrylics (the offset or bent handle style works best), be sure to have a small one as you will be mixing small amounts of paint,


    pencil and eraser


    C-thru ruler that has red grid lines inches on both sides of it (no metric measurements)


    appropriate brushes for your media


    paper towels (You will be using A LOT of these.  Viva is a great brand because they are really absorbent and they are soft, so they won’t abrade your brushes.)

    For oil painters:  odorless brush cleaner (solvent) such as Gamblin’s Gamsol, or Winsor & Newton’s Sansodor.  Your solvent should be as nearly odorless as possible.  Do not trust the label on the bottle or can.  Sniff it, and if it smells, please do not bring it to class.  


    Container with a lid for your solvent.


    For acrylic and watercolor painters:  Water container

Jane Jones

Jones is a Denver native and continues to live near there at the foot of her beloved Rocky Mountains, where the light that she loves is bright and clear, and the seasons, which influence her work, are definite in their character and moods. Studying biology in college taught her the amazing power of living systems, and gardening has shown her what a struggle that can be, and both of those infuse her with awe at the beauty that comes from the earth. Her artistic aesthetic has been shaped by studies in Art History, where she has been influenced by Michelangelo's clarity of composition and communication, and the great illusions of light painted by Johannes Vermeer, although she believes that every artist should be of their own time. Her work has won numerous national awards and can be seen at galleries around the country and at Saks Galleries in Denver. She is the author of Classic Still Life Painting, published by Watson-Guptill. Teaching Philosophy: My job is to help students find their way toward making the paintings they want to be making—to find out where they want to go and help create a plan for that journey. I do short demonstrations and/or presentations each day, but I think that students learn best when they are doing the work. I spend my time working around the room helping each person and working one on one as much as possible. I am a very supportive and encouraging teacher and let the students know that 50% of learning anything is learning how to fix mistakes, and I am there to be their safety net. I encourage them to do things they wouldn't do on their own and to use my experience to their advantage. Her paintings can be seen on her website at