Keep It To Yourself! Privacy for Today's Internet Users

Zoom Lecture | Available (Membership Required)

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3:30 PM-5:00 PM PST on Tue

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Keep It To Yourself! Privacy for Today's Internet Users

Zoom Lecture | Available (Membership Required)

It’s so easy to visit web sites and use apps on our phones and computers in ways that jeopardize our privacy and security. Our digital data is being scattered far and wide in ways that we may not even realize and that will certainly come to haunt us later. But there’s lots you can do to keep your activity from prying eyes and marketer’s databases. This short class will introduce you to some Internet and web site fundamentals that will help you “tint your windows,” as it were, while traveling the Internet superhighway and also to turn off those trackers. We’ll also cover how to learn what web site owners already know about you and how you can purge the data that they have collected. Take control of your digital footprint!

Class limit: 30. 

Chris Wisniewski