King Charles

S24-19 The British Royal Family NEW

Class | This class is completed

Heritage Congregational Church 485 West St. Berea, OH 44017 United States


Current Events - All Levels


2:40 PM-4:00 PM EDT on Tue


The first six classes are:

1.  Diana, The People's Princess - A Tribute Presentation
2.  British Royal Weddings - Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II and Her Family
3.  A Tribute to Queen Elizabeth II  
4.  Prince William and Kate Middleton - The Future of the Monarchy
5.  The Coronation of King Charles III
6.  The Royal Wardrobe

British-born Julie Koenig is a keen observer and lifelong student of the British monarchy. She offers fascinating insights that go beyond the usual headlines and media coverage. She is well-versed in the colorful history, traditions and scandals of the British monarchy.