
S24-32 We Built This City, Part 1: How Transportation, Immigration, Industrialization and Politics Came Together to Build Modern Cleveland (1796-1929) NEW

Class | This class is completed

Mahler Museum 118 E. Bridge St. Berea, OH 44017 United States


History - All Levels


2:40 PM-4:00 PM EDT on Wed


From 1796 to 1929 Cleveland grew from an uninhabited, malarial river mouth to become the sixth largest city and the third largest metropolitan area in the United States. This course will trace the growth of Cleveland from its inception as a frontier village through its growth as a commercial and mercantile center to its prominence as a world-class center of manufacturing, finance and culture. We will examine how the threads of transportation, immigration, industry and politics combined to build modern Cleveland.

Week 1: Cleveland in 1929;
Week 2: Transportation: Lake and River;
Week 3: Transportation: Canal and Railroads;
Week 4: Immigration: Before 1880;
Week 5: Immigration: 1880 - 1929;
Week 6: Industry and Politics.

Walter Topp is a writer who has worked as a naval officer, newspaper reporter, police officer and emergency manager. He is an experienced instructor and has taught adult learning courses since 2000.