W25-08 The History of Presidential Elections - Part 2 NEW

W25-08 The History of Presidential Elections - Part 2 NEW

Class | Registration closed 12/15/2024

Middleburg Heights Community Church 7165 Big Creek Pkwy Middleburg Heights, OH 44130 United States
Fellowship Hall 2
Politics - All Levels
2:40 PM-4:00 PM EST on Mon

W25-08 The History of Presidential Elections - Part 2 NEW

Class | Registration closed 12/15/2024

This class (second session) will discuss the history of presidential elections from the 1960 election (Kennedy vs. Nixon) through the 2024 election (Harris vs. Trump). We will discuss the biographies of all of the major candidates, including their childhood, schooling, military service, business and governmental experiences and their personal lives too! There will be a presentation of the domestic, economic and international events that occurred since the previous election and a discussion of the major issues that were going on during each election. We will discuss the primaries for each political party, the debates, the general election and the results of each election. A list of interesting facts about the candidates and the elections will be provided to the students and there will be a presentation on how and why people vote (i.e., demographics and trends) over time.

Doug Imhoff

Doug Imhoff earned both a BA and MBA at Baldwin Wallace University. He is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Certified Financial Planner (CPF) and worked as an internal auditor in various management positions for several companies in the Cleveland area. In addition, he has a lifelong interest in American and World history, government and politics.