S25-09 Genesis and the Big Bang Theory REPEAT from Winter '22
Class | Available (Membership Required)
The events depicted in the first chapter of Genesis are quite similar to events described by the Big Bang Theory. The real question is: was it six days or 13.7 billion years? This class will explore how the answer is actually "yes" to both perspectives. We will only use peer reviewed science taught in universities (I promise no complicated formulas on the chalkboard!) and only adhere to conventional interpretations of the Genesis text (one day is not a metaphor for an epoch).
Ted Smith
Ted Smith is a graduate of Baldwin Wallace. His interests and research are in traditional Chinese medicine, history, current events, science and theology. In his personal quest for balance, he has done considerable independent research into various spiritual, historical and sociological practices in an effort to see what has worked for and against humanity’s quest for balance.