S25-38 A Multi-Flavored Tea Pot: Complete With Individual "Teaspoons" of Information NEW
Class | FULL (Membership Required)
Teaspoons have been around since the early 13th century and, as we all know, they have many uses including: stirring, measuring, eating of course and even games like spoons. But in this class, I’ll be offering you a little about a lot. You will be getting single serving teaspoons of history, culture, health and beauty, drinks and eats and more. These “teaspoons” will provide surprising tips, fun and informative facts, and flavorful recipes, that will give the most ardent or newbie tea drinkers the bits of information to feel better informed, plus hopefully the confidence to experiment as well as a wide and just-deep-enough look at the world of tea. Tea and cookies, of course, will be served along with your very own teaspoon!
Judi Slack
Judi Slack received her Bachelor's degree from Iowa State University and Master's degree in Education from Cleveland State University. Her early career days were as a psychiatric social worker. The remaining years of her career were spent as an elementary school teacher and then as an administrator. She has taught education courses at Cleveland State, University of Akron and Notre Dame. Tea has been a lifelong passion and she has four different certificates from the World Tea Academy: Tea Specialist, Tea Professional, Tea Sommelier, Tea Health Expert.