S25-39 Analyzing Major League Baseball REPEAT from Fall '23

S25-39 Analyzing Major League Baseball REPEAT from Fall '23

Class | Available (Membership Required)

Helwig Whistle Stop 611 W Bagley Rd Berea, OH 44017 United States
Conference Room
Sports - All Levels
12:45 PM-2:05 PM EDT on Th

S25-39 Analyzing Major League Baseball REPEAT from Fall '23

Class | Available (Membership Required)

Michael Walczak has studied Major League Baseball for more than 30 years. Employing tools used by today's managers and general managers, we will discuss issues such as "clutch hitting" as well as team performance. We will compare today's players with the "old timers" and evaluate managers. From bunts to zone ratings, from Bill James to Moneyball, see MLB like you've never seen it before.

Michael Walczak

Mike Walczak has examined and studied major league baseball for more than 30 years. He was a contributor to the Bill James' Major League Baseball Project Scoresheet statistical database and was an advisor to the Society for American Baseball Research administration. Since 1994, Mike has been the Director of Trusts and Estates for Baldwin Wallace University. He has a BA from Albion College, an MEd from Cleveland State University and JD from John Marshall College of Law.