S25-42 Not for Kids: The Story Behind Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales Continued NEW
Class | Available (Membership Required)
Think Little Red Riding Hood, Rumpelstiltskin and Snow White are “just for kids”? Think again. These stories and rhymes have profoundly influenced our culture for hundreds of years, from opera to Disney cartoons. In this class we will be exploring the historical origins of fairy tales and nursery rhymes. We will look at how they evolved through time and discover just who in the world “Mother Goose” actually was, why Miss Muffet is afraid of spiders and why the weasel goes “pop.” All new material for this class. It is not necessary to have taken the first class.
Melanie Deutsch
Melanie Deutsch, former fiction specialist for the Cuyahoga County Public Library, has a Bachelor of Arts in English and Spanish from Cleveland State University and a Master of Arts in Library Science from Case Western Reserve University. With 27 years experience in public libraries, she has presented workshops for national and state library organizations and has facilitated a local book discussion group for over 20 years. She has presented courses for the ILR on nonfiction books, mysteries and other book related topics.