S25-43 Hitchcock in the Fifties - Part 3 of 4 NEW

S25-43 Hitchcock in the Fifties - Part 3 of 4 NEW

Class | Available (Membership Required)

Loomis Hall 139 Tressel St. Berea, OH 44017 United States
Room 148
Cinema - All Levels
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S25-43 Hitchcock in the Fifties - Part 3 of 4 NEW

Class | Available (Membership Required)

Hitchcock’s films were famous for his cameos, but the first time we heard his voice was on October 2, 1955, when he introduced Alfred Hitchcock Presents. For the first class, we will view three classic TV episodes. For week two we will watch The Trouble with Harry and find out why a dead body is such an inconvenience for some quirky Vermonters. The course concludes with The Man Who Knew Too Much about an American couple who become involved with spies while visiting Morocco. Each film will be introduced with an original video, followed by audience reaction and discussion.

Terry Meehan

Terry Meehan earned a BBA in marketing from Cleveland State University and an MA in literature and film from Kent State University. He teaches film appreciation at Lorain County Community College and at several adult education programs, including the Cleveland Film Society. At Chautauqua Institution, he has presented the Movies of Alfred Hitchcock and Early Western Films. He also curates and presents a monthly film series.