Please fill out the form below to create your account with Welcoming the Stranger.

Once your account is created you will be able to register for classes.

Please write down your username and password.. You will need this information to register for classes in the future.

Personal Information

Required fields are denoted by *--. You are in the Personal Information section. Continue to tab below to start reading or entering your information.
* Type(Select "Individual")
* Photo Release(Permission for WTS to use your photo)
Mobile Carrier(Select Cellphone Provider. For text messaging.)
Must contain an uppercase, three lowercase, a digit and a non-alphanumeric character (e.g. $ @ # %). Example "Abbbxx1#".
* Country of Origin(Name of country where you were born.)

Primary Address

--. You are in the Primary Address section. Continue to tab below to start reading or entering your information.

Once you have setup your account you can continue to the registration page by clicking Search at the top. You may update your information or add additional people to your account by clicking the Settings icon which is located next to your account name above and select My Account.